Line magnetic 508 with Tekton Double Impacts. Match Up

I   Ordered a Line Magnetic 508 and have been thinking hard  about getting the Devore 096s but have been hearing a lot of talk about the DI  they cost a quarter of the Devore speakers.I have seen one post saying they are a good match.I was wondering if anyone else has had the opportunity to listen to the match.I wish I could hear the DI in person.I am sorry if this has been covered before.

My 508 is driving my Acoustic Zen Crescendos beautifully and all of my tubes are upgraded; Psvane 805, Tungsol 6SU7, 5-6 pairs of vintage 6SN7s, Princess Mesh Plates 300B and Synergistic Research Black fuse which fantastic by it self...

Hello Guys,
Has anyone tried the LM-508 with a SS preamp?

If so, wich SS preamp? did it make a noticeable difference or not? 

Thank you!!