My 508 is driving my Acoustic Zen Crescendos beautifully and all of my tubes are upgraded; Psvane 805, Tungsol 6SU7, 5-6 pairs of vintage 6SN7s, Princess Mesh Plates 300B and Synergistic Research Black fuse which fantastic by it self...
Line magnetic 508 with Tekton Double Impacts. Match Up
wig - I'm glad you're enjoying that combo. I have the Crescendo MKII and the Line Magnetic is on my radar. |
@plga I use Allnic L3000 Mk2 with my LM 508. I know that doesn't answer your question as it's an all tube pre. However, Allnic is very neutral and balanced. It takes the LM to a new height (albeit transparency is reduced) allowing all the SET magic to shine and adds weights/authority/fullness to the bass. I think if you are looking for a SS pre, make sure it's utterly transparent and neutral such that it doesn't mask the SET beauty of LM 508. |
Thank you radiohead99!! Right now Im thinking more about getting a nice tube preamp under the 2K budget. What would say that a nice valve preamp could add to the LM508? I mean in terms of dinamics, sounstage, bass, fullness, etc. Any other opinions? I think I read Walter Salas has some nice valve preamps. I hope he can add something to the thread. |