Keep in mind that transistors have inevitable coloration just as tubes exhibit. Granted the coloration is "different " in nature and character. One can generalize and say tubes tend toward low even order distortion i.e. warmth. Transistors gravitate toward odd order distortion i.e, lean/thinner, pick your preference, we all ultimately do.
There simply is such thing as a purely neutral audio product, everything has an innate character. For example the following are all highly regarded transistor amplifiers.
Pass Labs
I’ve heard them all, each is solid state and each is clearly different.
Which of these is right? Which is the most genuinely neutral?
They sound different because they are, each has a distinct character (coloration). You can do the same with a list of highly regarded tube amplifiers. You cannot escape coloration. My amplifier has Coloration and I accept that reality.
Bullitt, you and I have made our choice as to what particular type of distortion/coloration we can live with happily.
Keep in mind that transistors have inevitable coloration just as tubes exhibit. Granted the coloration is "different " in nature and character. One can generalize and say tubes tend toward low even order distortion i.e. warmth. Transistors gravitate toward odd order distortion i.e, lean/thinner, pick your preference, we all ultimately do.
There simply is such thing as a purely neutral audio product, everything has an innate character. For example the following are all highly regarded transistor amplifiers.
Pass Labs
I’ve heard them all, each is solid state and each is clearly different.
Which of these is right? Which is the most genuinely neutral?
They sound different because they are, each has a distinct character (coloration). You can do the same with a list of highly regarded tube amplifiers. You cannot escape coloration. My amplifier has Coloration and I accept that reality.
Bullitt, you and I have made our choice as to what particular type of distortion/coloration we can live with happily.