In my existing system which is powered by a BEL 1001, 26db (1 volt=50 watts) gain and the Truth, driving my Spendor SP-1's 86.5db sensitivity the last thing I would say is it needs more gain, dynamics, openness, or authority.
So is the concern to drive the Electrons properly primarily one of gain, or does the smallish power output of the 2A3 factor into the potential problem as well?
Can this even be answered with this level of information available?
My best laid plan was to build my new system around the Truth and now along with the Electrons.
So is the concern to drive the Electrons properly primarily one of gain, or does the smallish power output of the 2A3 factor into the potential problem as well?
Can this even be answered with this level of information available?
My best laid plan was to build my new system around the Truth and now along with the Electrons.