Aurender upgrades Tidal - MQA -Only for A10 and 20 - lesser models not worth their time

Hello I was totally pissed off when I seen upgrades available the latest Tidal MQA to enable 
Will MQA on the latest firmware download on applies yo their top machines your $3k and under 100H  series don't rate. The engineers at Tidal said that this being a software based download 
There is no reason the 100 can't have firmware code written for it.
Other lesser players have MQA in their players . This smells like a numbers game to try to force 
You into spending double or more for their top end players.which is total BS.
Please note to Anyone that was considering buying a Aurender player.
The 100H has a 2T hard drive ,and a 120gig solid state buffer for super fast response and No moving parts. That is why I bought it .It is a great buy. MQA IS A absolute Must have to hear  their reference top quality files on Tidal. A waste if time without  . Any current Aurender 100 owners let Aurender know how being shunned will not go unnoticed !!
This device is fully capable of producing MQA encoded streams to a DAC. What it will not do is decode MQA. This is how MQA works. The decoding firmware should be DAC specific.

Having said that, I think Tidal is doing a quasi-MQA decoding if you run Chrome, so it is possible this may be somewhat subject to change.

At the current time though, this is exactly how Meridian designed MQA. I would not be upset with Aurrender.


Right Eric. The Aurender App software just does not (yet) do the first MQA "unfold" like the Tidal App (using a PC) when listening to Tidal Masters (MQA). The former passes the bit-perfect PCM data in its original format with the MQA header attached for unfolding in a MQA-capable DAC.

Just keep in mind as you rush to spend money on the latest tech that MQA will fail.   Bob's stated aim is to change all music production to AD-Processing-DA with MQA not just DA over PCM.

Secondly, MQA is not "better than" the PCM source in 99% of intentionally distorted and compressed pop music. That's just their marketing to get MQA in the door then take over later.  I would know, I make the source files.  MQA knows this too.   Only for super natural acoustic/natural music based in realism is there even a tiny opportunity for advantage with the MQA round trip.  And not nearly as important as a better amp, speakers, DA, etc.    Pop music and classical music from tape or digital PCM to MQA?  Forget it.

From Michael of Berkeley Audio, who is on board with MQA:   I spoke with Bob Stuart about your concerns regarding the marketing of MQA and he conceded you have valid point.   He also said that “de-blurring” (the MQA time-domain filter fixup) can be omitted during encoding and that doing so would be appropriate in situations such as yours where what could be considered technical artifacts of the A/D conversion process are part of a large number of factors that were combined deliberately to produce the precise sound of the mastered recording. "

Including and adjusting for the AD artifacts is part of the gig in mastering.  I suggest people push for streaming of master files or use the services coming on to stream them.   If you want to have a nice 16 bit file, use dbPoweramp to shrink your files, it's far better than MQA. 

SRC comparisons here: