Chayro > As with anything in this hobby, everything costs as much as your ears say it costs. If one is deaf, reality costs nothing.
Blindjim > thanks for the extremely interesting perspectives. I will assume this is in the context of HD audio, and whole heartedly agree.
Otherwise, I’d not wish to bare the burden of being deaf as I’m quite able to relate to the added costs any disability weighs on a body. Trust me.
The sole caveat that looms over any exercise in system errection is there is in fact a step, an entry point, or threshold of diminishing returns, and there is where for all intents and purposes, reality rests.
Thereafter such perimeters lay only uneasy dreams of possibly scant degrees of better, and loads of sheer folly for the overwhelming majority of audio enthusiasts who attempt to pursue it further.
That is where reality truly lives. Immediately at the sign post which reads “not much past this point”. Or in plain English, ‘Stuckey’s next exit’. lol
gs5556 > The $2,300 Schiit Yggdrasil said by RH as one of the best three DACs he's ever heard
add it to an Aurender N100H playback system which would compete with anything in a Dubai penthouse
blindjim > Thanks a lot. whoa!cool.
Didn’t RH say as much about a few other DACs too? PSA, Exogal, etc. can’t recall now. Sorry. I’ll definitely look into it in any event. Thanks again.
Lalitk > The market is now flooded with plenty of DAC's under $10K
Blindjim > I sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness and concerns, however, this is not about my situations or preffs. It is simply about OMG!! Actually OMG ‘reality’. Subjectively of course, as defined by what a particular DAC can deliver. As is EVERTHING posted anywhere about audio or for that matter anything else, apart from perhaps measured parameters, its subjective. Albeit measurements can be taken to task as well.
In this instance, as was posted above, we have on hand an exceptionally well balanced, most adequate resolving system in place already. You did read that part right? It was in the first paragraph or so.
IMHO Sources are not defined by ancillary aspects like rooms, or musical preffs, topology designs in power or even existing speakers in the system. Sources have only one duty. They must provide the signal that everything else down stream will render.
Here, DACs worth having are not one trick ponies and offer several interface and format handling options and are disqualified if said versatility and capabilities beyond PCM is not their fort.
We’ve all had those moments we’ve heard something somewhere that we just can not forget. A sound that haunts us still. Maybe, we’ve managed to acquire a DAC that elevated our system to unexpected heights.
Consequently, this is decidedly about where have you found your DAC epiphany? Or where do you presume it to be found by either model or price given what you have seen and heard in your home or elsewhere?
Hope that delivers sufficient clarity.