it seems we have answered the first question, which confuser doe not matter any longer.
Jond > I stream wirelessly from a Synology NAS drive as well as streaming Tidal outputting to an Audio Note Dac via the coax output on the Aries.
Blindjim > Cool. I’m guessing the upgrade was for performance and or operational ese..
I am using DS Audio IOS app to send bit stream info from the Syn into a pc via Foobar or ?? out thru the lynx AES 16X and into a Bel canto DAC 3.0 AES input to amps etc.
Or via File Browser IOS app the same way or into an Apple TV > Integra 99 controller > amps etc. or merely onto my IOS device and head phones.
I suspect what tech has come along says using the Ethernet device alone, as the ‘middle man’ is the cleaner way to elicit better SQ.
Is the Aries simply a better pathway or more featured, or both?
Is the Aries app merely the mobile device app or one installed onto the Disc station itself?
No drop outs or connectivity issues on WyFy even with the HD file sizes? Must be a healthy buffer in there somewhere.
Nice. Thanks.
Rbstehno > I did the Mac route for years using USB. … auditioned many streamers and purchased the Auralic Aries using lightning ds thru the i2s interface which is much better than using usb
Blindjim > tremendous thanks for the insights.
Its becoming more clear, unless people have simply lost their minds, this ‘new’ approach to bypass USB and as well remove file manipulations from the PC environment has become the latest greatest fashion for adding another level or so of performance to digital playback.
I’ve read input from Wavelengths G Rankin on the issues surrounding USB. Some work arounds there, and feel from what little I know that using Ethernet and eliminating the Devil’s disciplines which abide in a standard pc, could be a cleaner path.
I need a block diagram and some tech data on the why its better all in all, prior to dropping what I see as a fair investment and additional learning curve for going such a route.
When last I peeked in, the new ‘bridges’ converting USB to SPDIF interfaces and their possible reclocking, or not reclocking, aided the resultant audio. At times.
However, two ICs were then in the mix instead of just one, and its not hard to see how one could suspect the changes were merely different perspectives, and not necessarily sonic quality gains as the sole influence of the bridge itself.
My current ‘bridge’ is the Lynx AES 16 xpress sound card and the AES cable.
Likely this is one of those, ‘ya had to be there’ deals. Meaning, get one and see.
Which brings me to this pertinent Q….
Is someone now gonna chime in and say “the Ethernet cable itself matters too?”
Lovely. I’m sure someone will. Crap.
Now I need a new third party device, new software, and oh yeah, a new whiz bang high end Ethernet wire. Super. Just super.
Pardon me, I gotta go Google now.