Remote Possibilities

I have a Musical Fidelity A-308 CD player purchased on Agon with no remote. There is a remote on e-bay for a Musical Fidelity A-5 integrated amp that is IR-based a la the CD player's remote. What are the odds that the A-5 remote will operate my A-308 CD player?
That's the problem....the last time I checked, that code was not in their data-base. I've got the Harmony 650 remote and tried to download the code, but it didn't recognize the model. I'll try again to make sure I didn't do something wrong. Thanks so much for your help.
You can always contact MF in the UK.  It is a functionality question.  Head Office usually is better than overseas distributors.

Good news.....the 308 IS in the Harmony data-base. I had entered two incorrect characters the first time I searched for it. Thanks for all the tips
everyone gave. I'm tired of bending over to push front-panel buttons even though I need the exercise.