Shindo Labs Amps and Preamps

I have a pair of DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/96 loudspeakers and am considering purchasing a Shindo Labs amp. and preamp. to pair with them.  I've been working with a very nice and helpful dealer who has recommended an amp. and preamp pair, but to optimize the combo it looks like I also need at least one Auditorium 23 Hommage SUT, as well as Auditorium 23 or Shindo interconnects and speaker cables.  The total cost is high (approximately $30K to $40K) so I'd like to get some opinions on whether Shindo is really that much better sounding than another amp and preamp pair for my loudspeakers.  Unfortunately, I don't live close enough to the dealer to listen for myself before purchasing.  I don't mind paying a premium and don't want to offend anyone by asking this question, but is Shindo really worth the cost in terms of sound and build quality?  Thank you for your time and assistance. 
Jond I think you will really like the AN speakers. What other equipment will you be using??? Also charles1 you are dead on the money, LM Audio gets lumped into the "poorly made Chinese audio products" category. It’s a shame so many audiophiles and audio buffs will make incorrect snap judgements on the company...
2psyop I am running an AN Dac-3 Sig and Deja Vu Audio custom tubed preamp and amp. My amp is PP two EL34s per side and class A triode putting out 17 watts should be a perfect match!
I believe that getting these speakers is a very good move given your current components.  . I'm confident that your system will reproduce music  marvelously. 
charles1dad thanks I am sure it will be I got to listen to them at Vu's shop and he's never steered me wrong. Just playing the waiting game now as my pair gets built!
Having owned a couple of the Shindo Apetite amps previously, I would like to chime in here. Shindo is nice sounding gear.
However, unless you buy it new from a dealer you will never get original tubes, parts, service or help from Shindo.
It is like some magic club you can only belong to by paying the new entry price.
buyers and sellers beware on the used market.