Preamp w/ a budget of $2000

Hi All, 

I'm looking to replace my NAD preamp. It is now the weak link in my system. I would like to keep the budget to 2K or less. Requirements: Pre out or sub out, MM phono section, and a remote.

Associated equipment:
Amps: Anthem MCA 20, Red Dragon M-100 monoblocks
Sources: Bluesound node 2, TV, ProJect Debut Carbon
Speaker(s): I do a lot of switching out- Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S, Gallo 3.1 reference, MMGs, Green Mountain Audio Continuum I, DIY Nola Brio Trio Clones
Subs: Paradigm Monitor Sub 12" x2, REL T-7 x 2
Cables: Anticable IC's throughout, Anticable Speaker wire, Audio Magic Speaker cable

I am a detail freak and tend to like my sound towards the more clinical side of things. Of course imaging, soundstage depth/width, and image focus are important. I listen to a lot of Jazz and recently a fair bit of electronic as well. 

Any and all advice or direction would be appreciated. 

Best- Ben
I have the VTA SP14 preamp for sale on US Audio Mart.   Don Sachs has greatly customized the basic SP14 and has one for sale at the moment for under $2K.  I have that same amp in my main system and it is the finest preamp I have ever heard in my system.  It has a remove control.  Google Don Sachs Consulting and check out the Line Stage link for more information. Mark
I second the c-j Classic 2SE..... kicks ass for $2K .....I love mine,  don't even care about the lack of remote or any other feature for that frills,  power switch, source selector,  volume......that's it.

I bought it for the way it sounds.   I have several sources that have remote volume for non critical listening so for me it's no big deal....  I went from several full featured pre amps the last being a McCormack RLD 1 which was nice but the Classic walked all over it.

The difference was not subtle.   It was almost like getting new speakers.....  it only validated the fact that my previous preamps were the bottleneck and that the preamp plays a big role in the chain.  

I bought my Classic at Spearit, they offered me a loaner/ demo to take home but after listening to it in what must have been a $50k system I just said " I'll take one" and have zero regrets 
I am a little confused about all of these recommendations for CJ preamps.
I have owned a couple of older ones, and I would not define the sound as "clinical" at all. More like warm and musical, the opposite of what the OP is looking for.

So either the newer CJ preamps have changed their sound 180 degrees, or folks are simply recommending their favorite $2K preamp, regardless of what the OP is looking for:

I am a detail freak and tend to like my sound towards the more clinical side of things.

"folks are simply recommending their favorite $2K preamp, regardless of what the OP is looking for"

This   ^^^^

I had noted this in an earlier post that the OP "clearly " expressed a desire for a "clinical " character. John and  Kalali are  right in that some people seem to be recommending what they like rather than what was originally requested. Or could be that they believe that the CJ has this clinical presentation.