Audio repair in Houston Texas area?

I am looking for a good audio tech/repair in the Houston Texas area and have come across Bammel on Walters road, has anyone used them or can you refer me to someone you have used and would use again?
First let me thank ricpan for the vote of confidence for Bammel, second dlcockrum if you need help to wrestle your amp to the shop, drop me a line and I will be glad to help you get that done, I have a dolly and a pick up and third, welcome to Texas whart.
Thanks, @tooblue. 
We've been coming here for winter-spring on and off over the last 4 or 5 years, but finally relocated in February. I love it here, people are great, lot's to do (in Austin) and I feel like I'm home if you know what I mean. (I was living in NY, but after 35 years, it was enough). The heat is a little much, but we go out early, lay low during the day, and go back out at night. Soon, it will be autumn. 
@dlcockrum --Albert is one of my favorite people. We've been talking and more for some years, but have yet to meet in person. Soon. 
Well just wanted to convey my feelings on Bammel TV repair in Houston Texas, thus was not a good impression at all, I am going to choose my words carefully here so as not to mislead. This is the goofies bunch I have ever done business with, starting with the girl that checked in my headphone amp to John the owner, after diagnosing my amp with a bad transformer he offered to discard it for me and save me a trip to pick it up, bear in mind the amp is brand new under warranty and paid $1600.00 and was trying to keep from shipping it back to Japan, all this he knew.