
Has anybody upgraded from Audioqest type 4 to rocket 33 or 44?Not sure if it would be a noticeable upgrade?Would like to stick with AQ since everything else is.Thanks!

So far I'm happy I stuck with Audioqest cables.At least I don't feel taken when I buy them and I feel that I'm getting an honest cable.So much snake oil is out there with different cables an big prices to go with them,it gets kinda scary! A lot of AQ reviews out there have helped me also!
Hope you are enjoying Summer- corvette01-

AQ cabling in a sonic match for your Thiel speakers. You are certainly on the  right track. Happy Listening!
Jafant,all is good!Both systems sounding pretty good for now.Do you believe in break in time for Audioquest cables?I think my Thiels are sounding a little better with rocket 44 wires and a big sur off my dac.I don't have too many hours on them yet, but I think it's sounding better,or maybe I'm just getting used to it?
Yes, cables (and just about all equipment) benefit from a 'break in'. I guess it just gets those electrons moving in sync.
I'm glad the AQ cables are working for you. They are a good company.