Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

The harshest gear critic I know came over today for a DI demo. I expected to have the DI’s taken down a notch by his scathing review. 2 hours later he was at my door putting on his shoes saying they are one of the best speakers he has ever heard, specifically the bass and natural sound of the instruments (he is a musician) I can see a speaker like this appealing to musicians more than the ultra ego audiophile types. Being the only person in the area with a pair I should be able to share a negative review at some point but so far they have been enjoyed by all.
Say, this just dawned on me: the Ulfberhts have bass drivers at the top and the bottom.

Does anybody have a notion, a feel, or perhaps a little science of how this will effect the sound?

The top bass driver is above the line where the tweeters and mids should be pointed at your head, because from the looks of it, the listener will face a wall of mids and three tweeters, the last tweeter closer to the floor, pointed, where...closer to your crotch or knees?

I wonder how this plays out. I don’t have a clue. Just from looking it would seem that the image would be very even, or a complete mess. Jeffrey has them, though. He thinks they are aces.

Evolvist: Eric and I recently had a conversation that started with my electrostats and he mentioned that the sound wave from them was horizontal (flat and hits evenly top to bottom). He mentioned that few things in nature sounded like that and that he wanted his wave to be curved. All that I can think of is that perhaps the top and bottom bass drivers with the other drivers in between them might create a curved sound wave like he wants. This stuff is all beyond my depth so asking Eric would be best.

Hey everybody,

I just spent the last six hours listening to a pair of  Ulfberhts that are in for review.  Setting them up on Sistrum speaker platforms is a two man job and I want to thank Allan for all his help ( Allan was an early supporter of the DI's and hosted the Chicago Audiophile Society meeting at his house a few months ago to have the members hear the DI's).

First impressions:

1) These are BIG speakers that need a lot of acoustic space to breath and be able to preform to their maximum potential.  Fortunately, I have a 30 foot ceiling, the speaker is 7 feet off the front wall, 6 feet off the side walls and the back wall behind my listening position is another 15 feet.  

2) I'm driving them with the Micro-ZOTL preamp and the Triode Lab SET 2A3 amplifier and get to higher sound levels with ease with less gain on the volume control.

3) Eric has taken the basic magic of the DI's to a higher level of refinement/finesse in this speaker.  It gives you even more transparency, more effortless overall dynamics, more liquidity, more precise layering and placement in the soundstage, and the bottom end is much more extended and powerful.

4) Remember, these babies are not close to be being burnt-in, I'm assuming everything will get better in the next 50 to 70 hours!

5) Since I believe that these are even a more pure conduit then the DI's you better be very careful with what you drive them with.  My pair have an extra set of terminals on the back that you can insert different resisters to slope off the high end if the amp you are using is to "hot" sounding.  My own personal taste/bias is to use tubes and the combination of low power SET amps with the Micro-Zotl is an absolute killer on this speaker, just like the DI's.  The top end is beautiful with this gear, so no resisters are necessary.

6) Do the Ulf's  make the DI's irrelevant, not at all, the DI's are still great.  If you have the right acoustic LARGE space to house the Ulf's and have deeper pockets then indulge yourself with this great speaker, indeed!  Remember, our great mad scientist Eric is coming out with DI's SE, baby Ulf's , so what will these creations sound like in comparison to these will be a treat to find out in the coming months!

All of the above is my cursory first take on this speaker.  I again feel honored that Eric picked me and hometheatereview.com to receive/review the first pair of Ulfberhts for professional evaluation.  

Maybe, Allan will post his impressions of these speakers when he has the time to.