missioncoonery624 posts08-13-2017 8:51pmEric.....If you have few buyers returning speakers then why don't you simply take them back on your dime.If what you say is true seems a no brainer as that's one of your stumbling blocks with me.I would also like to see reputable stereo mags review what you offer.Seems like a positive way to convince those on the fence.I once bought a pair of empty speaker cabinets locally from a well-know (around here) builder. The price was very low for a pair of well made cabinets, and when I picked them up I told him they were well worth the low price. He said he usually offers his old cabs to fellow Audio Society members for free, but everyone was like "Free!!" and grabbed them but never used them, and they ended up getting thrown away or whatever.
So he put these for sale, and since I was paying he thought there was a good chance I'd actually use them, which I did.
Similar situation with free shipping both ways. People would order them like crazy, then listen, then return. Oh well, no skin off my back.
Considering the interest the hundreds of posts (thousands by now??) that the Tekton DI thread is generating, I'm sure Eric would be building A LOT of speakers for people with absolutely zero intention to purchase if it was all at no cost to hear them.