Hey mac48025,
I have tried different combos, the Micro-ZOTL with different ampilifers, and the 2A3 no doubt is my favorite, both on the DI's and now the Ulf's. I had no problems in any way with the 2A3 driving the DI's and since the Ulf's are even easier to drive its a match made in heaven. It's hard for me to believe that when I go back to a great 300B SET amplifier it kinda sounds more like reproduced music then when through the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier.
I have tried different combos, the Micro-ZOTL with different ampilifers, and the 2A3 no doubt is my favorite, both on the DI's and now the Ulf's. I had no problems in any way with the 2A3 driving the DI's and since the Ulf's are even easier to drive its a match made in heaven. It's hard for me to believe that when I go back to a great 300B SET amplifier it kinda sounds more like reproduced music then when through the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier.