I have complete confidence that you will sort out all of the numerous details and have a terrific custom amplifier built that will mate superbly to the Double Impacts.
You raised the issue of 4 ohm versus the 8 ohm tap for driving these speakers. This is my only reservation regarding my amplifier, the lack of 4 ohm speaker taps. Not sure how much of a compromise this may be. If it sounds good with the 8 ohm taps then I’d be convinced that the current Frankenstein models which have 4 ohm taps would be even better sounding with the Double Impacts. . We shall see shortly.
I have complete confidence that you will sort out all of the numerous details and have a terrific custom amplifier built that will mate superbly to the Double Impacts.
You raised the issue of 4 ohm versus the 8 ohm tap for driving these speakers. This is my only reservation regarding my amplifier, the lack of 4 ohm speaker taps. Not sure how much of a compromise this may be. If it sounds good with the 8 ohm taps then I’d be convinced that the current Frankenstein models which have 4 ohm taps would be even better sounding with the Double Impacts. . We shall see shortly.