All in one solution for bedroom system. Suggestions from all appreciated.

I have Salk Song3 speakers that i need an integrated to power. I think I will be plugging my MacBook pro into it for Roon/Tidal listening.  Solid State is my preference because I'm a low maintenance type. The right preamp/amp combo might work also. I thought Audio Alchemy would serve me but I don't want many pieces. Anything from a few hundred dollars to $5000. Suggestions please.

I will look into the Bluesound stuff. I had Parasound Halo JC 1 and JC 2 previously so I know how good Parasound can be.

+1 Bluesound Node 2

I recently put together a small bedroom system with a
Node 2 functioning as a Roon endpoint, an Acurus two channel amp, and Radio Shack bookshelf speakers with cool Linaeum ribbon tweeters that had long been in storage. There is no need for a preamp, as a smart phone or tablet controls volume and streaming from Tidal and Roon files and playlists from the main system NAS. It’s a simple lifestyle system with good performance!

I don’t have a Bluesound but I do have a Sonos with a W4Sound mod so +1 on the streaming node in general. Hook this up with Tidal or Deezer Elite service that streams FLAC 16/48 with an integrated that has a good DAC and you could have a very simple system that sounds really good. Mostly controlled by a phone/tablet app.

MY buddy gave me a 20 year old PS Audio 200 watt power amp and I racked it up in the garage and topped it with a Sonos Connect. Then found some Polk Audio speakers on sale at my local dealer and hung those on the back wall. Total investment <$600. Had it going loud one day and then I got a text from my neighbor across the street , "WTF!?" he says. I didn’t realize with the brick wall, drywall and concrete floor I had just fired up a sound cannon pointed directly at my neighbor ....oooops :).
I agree that the Bluesound Powernode 2 is an excellent piece. It won't match something like the Hegel Rost in terms of sound quality, but at its price point, it is really very impressive.
Which amps are MQA capable? I listened to 'Sea Change' by Beck and i believe in the technology. MQA is not a dealbreaker but might tip the scales.