Finally!! a mid priced (affordable) MQA DAC

Looks decent. The problem is much of Pro-Ject's non TT items are hard to come by in the US


Thanks for sharing. I have been looking forward to inexpensive MQA DAC's. Looks like Sumiko is the US distributor of Project Line in US.
510 843 4500

There are two Pro-Ject "Box" components I'm interested in. The new MQA dac and this all analog, simple preamp

Both are not available, as of yest, in the US :(

Check out Underwood HiFi. He had a good range of Project gear. I haven’t checked on the Project Box DAC specifically. I had been interested in the Project Box Preamp but ended up with a Schiit Freya instead.

There had been a pretty active Project Box user thread on HiFi Wigwam (UK-based, I believe).

The AudioQuest DragonFly Red is an inexpensive, MQA capable DAC. In the last few months, newly produced Reds come from the factory ready to "decode" MQA. Older versions of the Red can be updated by the owner. Not sure about MQA ability for the Gen 3 Dragonfly Black.