My jazz collection told me to get a *real* system

So I’m determined to put together my first serious analog system, having subsisted on entry-level NAD TT, integrated and phono amp for over 10 years. My tastes are very eclectic, but I’ve put together a nice jazz collection and that’s what’s really crying out. I’m looking at a budget of about $8K over the next 12-18 months. Yeah, that’s the trick: This ain’t gonna happen over night. But I’m willing to be patient with imbalances in my system as long as I’m headed in the right direction. And I’d rather go the route of buying the gear I really want for the long term rather than stop gaps and labor intensive upgrade paths etc. My life just doesn’t have room for that.

N.B.: Looking to stay SS, likely integrated+phono preamp configuration. Really just talking about the table, cart, and amplification ... speakers and ICs are OK for now.

1) How would you divvy up the dough?
2) In what order would you buy the components?
3) Top 3 recommendations within each component category?
4) Other crucial considerations?

Appreciate the wisdom!
for similar music I am using Belles Soloist 1 Integrated, Odyssey Khartago Extreme Amp, Salk SongTowers, Dynaudio Focus 220 mkll, Musical Surrounding Phenomena well for me, and well within your budget...unfamiliar with turntables in your price range...
Hi jazz,

I listen to most types of music but jazz is primary for me.

Good audio systems are complex because of the interrelationships between so many of the individual components.  The cartridge should be matched with the tonearm (mass and resonance), the phono stage (whether separate or integrated) with the cartridge, the preamp or line stage with the amp (both for gain and impedance match), the amp with the speakers (power, impedance curve, damping, sonics), and the speakers with your room (placement and size considerations, radiation pattern) and sonic tastes.  Underlying all that is the cost for each and how to allocate funds, plus wiring, room treatments, power line quality, and software maintenance (with LPs some type of record cleaning device seems essential).

With all that, I agree with inna, one should start by choosing speakers.  Two reasons for that.  One, they will likely have the greatest impact on your resulting sonic pleasure.  And #2 if you start at the other end of the system chain you can paint yourself into a corner (hardly ever good for speaker placement ;^) ) with limited speaker choices.

For a very general guideline with a total $8K budget I would look at speakers between $2 and 3K.  But will you look only at new or can used be considered as well?  Just keep in mind you could find something costing less than $2K so don't feel locked in to a specific price point.

a tube pre with a SS amp will be fine and give you the euphonic sound people are urging

that's what I use with my Maggie 3.7i's - and they Maggies are xlnt for jazz

1.7s would fit your budget
I don't encourage the use of tube components for the purpose of "euphonic sound".  My rationale is based on their capability to provide natural tone and timbre as well as the ability to connect emotionally the expression and beauty of the music. No doubt that we all have our own perspectives. 