Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?

My equipment - Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp 58wpc. / Lumin A-1 DAC Streamer / Synology NAS / Isotex Aquarius Power Conditioner / Furutech Rhodium Plug / Sonus Faber Amati Homage Tradition speakers.  

I have read thousands of comments on upgraded fuses improving the performance of sound.  I am very open minded but not sold either way.  So, the question I have is....if fuses were so important, than why don't Amplifier companies all install them as OEM equipment?  To me, if they are as good as people say, that would provide companies who use them a competitive advantage?  

Every High End Audio store I go to in Phoenix have told me it does not make a difference and is a waste of money.  For the record, I have fuses purchased at an automotive store for under $10 and I think my sound is awesome.  The Company that built my amp tested the Synergistic Fuses and he emphatically said there was no difference.  

If I were to try a fuse for fun, given my equipment, what would your recommendation be to try?  
The OP end up going with PADIS fuses, let’s give it a rest until he reports back ....no pressure right :-)

@nonoise ~ thank you for your recommendation in No. 3 response. I still can't believe it took additional 179 threads to put this discussion to rest..phew!
It just dawned on me that the OP's going to swap out a fuse in his amp and my mentioning of the 2-3db difference was after replacing the 4 fuses in my SACD player. It was just out of boredom that I reversed them and got the results.

It was in the heat of this "discussion" that @georgehifi stated his doubt about a difference in direction making that much difference with a mains fuse. Just wanted to clear that up lest another can 'o worms opens when the OP reports back. When I changed the fuse in my integrated, it went in in the correct direction. The sound improved so there was no need to reverse it. 

All the best,

Just for the record, it was krosst_emoji and Al who first commented that 2-3 dB was impossible, as I recall impossible was Al’s word. Whereas krosst indicated no phenomenon in the universe could account for such a change. Credit where credit is due. 😛