Magico S5 Speaker - owners - heard them!

Guys anyone that has heard these can you please provide some feedback. Would love your thoughts and feedback on these. I'm picking a Preowned pair and wanted some thoughts. What are your impressions - amps that match best - what you have heard them compared to?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
No doubt the 350.5 will be a great match with Magico.  Regarding the Bricasti, I doubt you'll need a dedicated pre-amp.  The volume control is so good in the M1.... at that level a pre-amp becomes more of a toy than a game changer.
I say try a preamp. I've owned several DACs, including the M1 and always preferred the sound with a preamp.

I have the  Magico S1 mkI and am very happy with them in my 12x17 room.

I replaced the very fine Revel F52s with the S1s and was amazed at the difference in resolution and speed.   I was using a Simaudio 600i with the F52s.   As good sounding and dynamic as the 600i is, a few folks suggested the S1s needed more power to really be at their best so I upgraded the 600i to a Pass X250.8 and Simaudio 740P preamp and this combo with the S1s is amazing!    

 I recently upgraded my S1 to S3 and couldn't be happier.

Just curious, what would you say are the biggest improvements?
Is it just deeper and more powerful bass?   
How would you compare the mid-range?

I love the tight and super clean bass of the S1, but realize it definitely has its limits with respect to depth and output.   Since my room is smallish, I wouldn't personally upgrade just for the bass, but if the mid-range is better, that would be different :)