Is this my imagination?


I was happy with sound stage until yesterday. Before SLI-80 and cd player was on the floor. Put SLI-80 integrated amp and CD player on the table yesterday ( about 2 feet table). Seem to me that the sound stage is not the same, seem like not big and solid sound stage like before. Nothing change but the table. Do you think is that my imagination or that table high have something to do with the sound.

Thank you,
And no, it is not your imagination, this is why I repeatedly encourage listeners to play with pillows and blankets on the floor, and between the speakers.

It is a MUCH bigger deal than cables.
It's funny how everyone is responding to questions you didn't ask.

It's not strange that putting the amp and cd player on the table has changed the sound. This is why people pay good money for equipment racks. I just use an Ikea console which I spiked to the floor and then isolation platforms or springs directly under the component. You can find all kinds of isolation footers and platforms on the internets, as well as many threads here on the topic.

Here's my view: you need to isolate or couple the table, then you need to isolate the components. You can go DIY like me or find a variety of products to purchase. Remember though, you want to isolate the components from the table, not couple them. So don't get cones or spikes for the components and place them on the table. Spikes or cones are great, but only to couple the component to an isolation platform.

I hope that makes sense. The changes you hear are from vibrations induced in the table, both seismically and airborne, which are seemingly greater than those the amp and cd player were subjected to on the ground.

Apparently they are not the good vibrations

Was the table there previously when your gear was on the floor? If you just dropped that table between your speakers then that is what's affecting your soundstage. If it was always there then it's less clear.
Anytime you stick a big piece of furniture in between the speakers , your going to lose sound stage and depth and imaging!

I would get a less evasive audio rack, a skinny taller one if the sound change is bothering you that much.

Matt M
YEP!! :)

Try stuffing the floor between with illows and/or throwing a comfortor on top of the parts that aren't tubes. :)

Just for listening, this is a quick exercise.  Prove it to yourself. Also put stuff on the sides, those speakers are pretty close to the walls.

You could ask GIK to make custom floor standing panels, maybe half height? They would work a treat.