Would you sell half your vinyl collection to get great equipment ?

I would if I had a substantial one. And don't say your system is already great, there is virtually no limit, including replacing the house.
Hell NO! You know how much time and effort and money went into collecting quiet good sounding original records? Good luck finding them today, over the last few years the market is now full of crappy sounding sealed new records.

Austin record convention is on the 29th-1st , this weekend. I see a lot of these newer vinyls for sale there as well. But, they still have some gems to find there too :-)  Always hunting.

Matt M
To put classical musicians aside, every artist I heard had only a few best releases. As an example, I wouldn't really need Miles' Dark Magus - Pangaea is similar and much better. Pink Floyd - WYWH is the only album I would need, the rest could go. In my case, I just didn't buy what I didn't really need, well, almost.
However, given a bit more of the resources, I would have an Otari or Studer open reel deck, make recordings from vinyl and let the records go except for the most valuable to me. Sound quality would not be worse.
I would - - if I got to choose which records I would trade (I've got a ton of vinyl, which includes a fair number of stinkers and mediocre items.)