Digital Music sounds too bright?

If you feel your digital sound is too bright - I suggest you place a lightweight blanket over your tv screen or computer screen, if you have it placed between your main speakers. I did this and immediately heard a less edgy sound and improved separation between left and right channels.  I have a 55 inch screen between my mains (Tyler Acoustics). This easy and free tweak made a noticeable improvement for me. Hope it will for you too. 

(It makes complete sense that this will reduce some reflected sound. No one would ever recommend placing a mirror or window between main speakers, but a screen has the same effect. If you have a coffee table in front of you when listening, it also could reflect sound that undermines your speakers. Try covering it or moving it away). 
I have used the method the OP has. The reason for me was to get a better replication of the venue the event was recorded in, better sound staging. And it worked nicely. I found a thicker blanket worked better for me.

The blanket is not great.  Absorbing things between the speakers is not a good thing.  Better to have scattering.

Instead, I use two 1/4 round tube traps from ASC in Oregon.  I locate these next to the screen with the rounds pointing inwards.  The screen simply dissappears acoustically because the backwave from the speakers is scattered.  I've been doing this at shows too , even when there is no screen, locating them behind and inside the speaker lines.  Improves imaging.

Another critical thing is to have absorbers, like acoustic foam, on the side walls to absorb the secondary HF reflection.  Put a mirror on the wall and if you see the tweeter from the listening position, you need foam where the mirror is.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

BTW, brightness is not usually due to acoustics.  Its usually something else.  Most people go down the garden path using cables that act as filter, ferrite beads or blankets to snuff-out the HF sounds.  This is the wrong path to take.

Figure out what components are really at fault.  Usually excessive jitter from the source, whether computer or CD player, or poor preamp that adds too much distortion and has poor power delivery or even sometimes a bad DAC.  This is typical.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Everyone, please disregard everything I said. Don’t try it. It is going to suck. In particular don't trust your own ears, and only rely only on what you read from others.



the blanket works (on Maggies more than cone head speakers)

the problem is that it is hard to see the screen that way