Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening

I'm reeducating myself.... after years of no TT and focusing on just stereo listening.. I had a some early Klipsch Hersey’s and some GENESIS speakers pair with Yamaha receiver and low end turntable 30-40 years ago -- I can afford a higher end setup this days -- so what are thoughts on pairing a luxman l-550axII with Klipsch cornwalls?

I like the Herseys for music in the day.. cornwalls seem to be larger herseys but may well need audtion some of the tower types folks seem to tout..

I still thinking on TT -- but may get a VPI scout or prime -- thinking through the cartridge choices and other things is still a serious education -- recc?

music taster are varied -- jazz to singer vocalist miles davis - linda Ronstadt and a host of others for vocal musics and instruments- soft rock of the 70-80s- to some classical

thoughts -- looking to 15-20K for the refit for stereo listening - but could stretch some if I like the setup

Here's my advice.....if you already have a system that plays CD's do that.  All the music you want to listen to is on CD.  Hire a teacher and take violin, flute, sax etc. lessons. When you know how music works, you'll appreciate those CD's even more.  When I was doing my advanced degrees in music, I was shocked that so many of my  profs. had low  quality (in audiophile terms) little systems. Go to live concerts,  Keep busy in your retirement.
I plan to keep busy -- this project is just one of things I willspend time at.. I’ll not be doing music lessons - but I got a laugh from that ;-)

please don’t spoil my fun -- LOL
glad to help, plus, I learned something myself.

One thing that hasn't come up - this thing is heavy. It's 62#. A rack with an MDF shelf isn't going to cut it. Hell, the shipping box weighs more than some amps, it's 3 layers of very heavy cardboard, and is 20# alone.......

I think, all the equipment that you consider will give you a good sound. Whether you go with tubes or solid state is a dilemma, hard to decide when you can't compare side by side. If you need a stand alone phono stage, as a general recommendation I suggest tube phono with both tube and solid state integrated. Should be electrically and musically matched, of course. You don't want to save $1k on a phono stage, believe me, or your vinyl endeavour will fail. Phono stage is very very important. Though not familiar with it, it gets an excellent rating here among some members - Allnic 1201, the least expensive Allnic. You can get it from Albert Porter, a member and dealer, for about $2.7 new. Since you like Audio Note/DeVore sound this should be an excellent choice. There is also Manley Chinook for $2.4k new. It is different.
Another point. Good sound doesn't start with the equipment, it starts with the wall current. When you rent an appartment you will see that the current is very dirty and possibly the voltage is very unstable. I live in an apartment too, and without my PS Audio Power Plant Premier regenerator the system is unlistenable most of the time. There are now P5 and P10 regenerators that you might want to consider. The retail price is relatively high but you can get them for less.