Recently sold my LM508IA but it's a great sounding unit and a simple tube swop will take it to a higher level of refinement and sound quality.
- Psvane 805 is an upgrade but TJ Full Music are superior
- Emission Labs 300b very dynamic and reliable
- Sophia Mesh Plates 300b very organic sounding with texture
- Best 6SN7 in this circuit Sylvania WGTA Brown Base
- Tung-Sol 6SL7
Since your speakers are so revealing, the Sophia may be the tube to go with and also look into some GIK Acoustic treatment to go behind your speakers and treatment centered between your speakers; Big difference in sound-staging, imaging, bass...
Recently sold my LM508IA but it's a great sounding unit and a simple tube swop will take it to a higher level of refinement and sound quality.
- Psvane 805 is an upgrade but TJ Full Music are superior
- Emission Labs 300b very dynamic and reliable
- Sophia Mesh Plates 300b very organic sounding with texture
- Best 6SN7 in this circuit Sylvania WGTA Brown Base
- Tung-Sol 6SL7
Since your speakers are so revealing, the Sophia may be the tube to go with and also look into some GIK Acoustic treatment to go behind your speakers and treatment centered between your speakers; Big difference in sound-staging, imaging, bass...