I didn't really want to spend the extra money for the SE's and was half hoping they would only be slightly better than the DI's so that I wouldn't have to, so adjusting our desires to meet our budgets is most understandable! I do it all the time. The good thing for you is that you already have a great system and can continue enjoying it without any changes.......besides, you have those eye candy amps to stare at all day :)
Limniscate and Corelli. I too had Maggie's for many years and had the 1.7i's right before getting the DI's. Great speakers, but the DI's get me closer to my sonic goals.
I didn't really want to spend the extra money for the SE's and was half hoping they would only be slightly better than the DI's so that I wouldn't have to, so adjusting our desires to meet our budgets is most understandable! I do it all the time. The good thing for you is that you already have a great system and can continue enjoying it without any changes.......besides, you have those eye candy amps to stare at all day :)
Limniscate and Corelli. I too had Maggie's for many years and had the 1.7i's right before getting the DI's. Great speakers, but the DI's get me closer to my sonic goals.