I need help, please? Listening to my system through music!

Hey all,

Please indulge me as I'm having an audio/identity crisis of sorts here. Maybe you can empathize, maybe it's just first world problems.

So, for several years up until earlier this summer, I was more or less happy and content with my audio set up:
  • Acoustic Zen Adagios
  • LSA Statement integrated (I tube rolled it)
  • Jolida JD9 Mk2 phono
  • Oppo 105 BDP
  • VPI HW19 Mk4 with Benz Ace cartridge
  • AZ and Decware cabling

It was my steady system for about 3 years after going through different many speaker/amp/tt/ combinations.

And then, based on several conversations with AZ founder Robert Lee and several Audiogon members, I became convinced that I needed to go the SET route for my Adagios. I auditioned Steve Deckerts' Decware amps and liked what I heard, but Mr. Lee recommended Triode Corp. amps, so when one popped up on Audiogon I grabbed it and sold my LSA Statement.

Now, the LSA is an understated star in the integrated world; it's a hybrid, dual-mono platform, perfected by Larry Staples and John Tucker of Exemplar Audio and delivers 150w of transparent power. The Triode Corp is a pure tube, 35w SET design with good reviews and Mr. Lee's endorsement. I tube rolled the input tubes in the Triode and then let it burn in for a while, even though I bought it used from a reputable Audiogon dealer.

Result? The bass the LSA delivered is missing. There's also clipping/distortion on the higher end. I took it to the local audio shop who biased everything and checked connections, etc. and gave it the thumbs up. But same result. It's a different sound than the LSA. It's not bad, per se; it's just not a full or comprehensive or satisfying. had I not had the LSA, I would have been pretty happy with the Triode.

You don't know what you got 'til it's gone.

MAYBE as a result, I really don't listen to music as much as I used to, if at all. I can't remember the last time I went on Discogs or to the local music store or even ordered any music on Amazon. I can't remember the last time I went down to my listening room and just enjoyed a recording. So, my questions are:

  1. Am I just over-reacting? And should I just sell the Triode and go for another amp and get over it? I'd rather not get the LSA again; I hate gong back to something I once had.
  2. Is hi-end audio, a hobby for the last 20 years, receding like many things do in our lives and now is no longer as paramount as it used to be?
  3. Is this a classic case of someone using music to listen to their system?
  4. Anyone else have these audiophile mid-life crisis issues?

Thanks for your patience and insight.

Warm regards,


One comment regarding the Triode Corp is that they offer different lines or tiers of price and quality. TRV and the upper scale TRX models. I’ve only heard the TRX versions and they are superb but admittedly considerably more expensive. The TRX have much larger and better power supplies and transformers. The TRV are nice but definitely more value oriented. TRX is the more ambitious line.

The manufacturer rates the Zens at 89 db, 6ohms and minimum amp rating of 50 watts.
What inspired you to go so far off base with that amp?  I don't think even 60 watts would do it for you.  Doubling the wattage will only get you another 3db.  Are you using 4 ohm taps or 8?  Play around, it might help.
I think, there was something that you disliked but it is possible that you got rid of the wrong piece. It is also possible that you are in fact on a quest for different sound, maybe not completely different but much more satisfying. One thing is certain - you definitely didn't want less poweful sound, perhaps you wanted more powerful bigger sound but also more sophisticated. Perhaps the one that your speakers may be unable to deliver. You talked to the speaker designer and said - do something, your speakers no longer give me what I want -.
Well, if I am right you may have to start building a new system. Mid-life, crisis or not.
Based upon Simao’s dilemma this is why I hesitate to sell equipment until I can do a listening comparison, current equipment vs new or new to me equipment. I realize sometimes one must sell equipment in order to purchase other equipment however I try to avoid that.
I hope you find what sounds best to you.
@hifiron -- I walk the line between clinical and holistic: I like pinpoint imagery - like knowing exactly where each tom is on the drumset and hearing the bassist' fingers slide down the strings. I also want warm nuances and enveloping presence. And pigs will fly eventually considering my budget.

@elevick I don't know. It wasn't a question of the LSA being deficient by any means. More so just wanting to see how another sound was.

@inna Yes, I think that's what happened.

Again, the Triode is a fine piece. With properly sensitive speakers, it should sound beautiful. I've listed it with confidence. Thank you for all your sound advice.