What makes you build a system around an amplifier?

Serious question. I almost always care about the room and speakers first, then build around that. However, this is not the only way to do things.

If you have ever insisted on keeping your amplifier, but were willing to change everything else around it, please let us know why. What made an amp so outstanding in your mind that it was worth making it your center piece. Imaging? slam?

Be specific about the amp and speakers or other gear that you shuffled through.


Hi Roxy54, 
Although I know that each component in the signal chain is important I've come to regard my power amplifier as the "soul" (as you put it) of my system. In reality you can choose to build around speaker, source, amplification etc. and be sucessful.  In my case getting a SET amplifier was the single and most profound decision  I've made. 8 years of unadulterated musical joy and happiness. No doubt that choices will vary with different listeners.  I'm just stating what's worked out best for me. 
I agree with Roxy and Charles.
I thought randy-11 would build around a fuse from all his posts I have seen, not a power cord.
Hi @charles1dad

I don't want to challenge you, but specifics would be good! :) What amp, and WHY? May we all know?

And what did this mean about your speakers? Did you end up with ultra efficient, designs without a crossover?


Hello Eric,
I use the Coincident Frankenstein MK II 300b SET mono blocks, BTW my system is posted on this site. My amplifier progression was Symphonic Line (transistor), to tube push pull class A/B X 2 different amps. I bought the Frankenstein out of curiosity to compare to my excellent 100 watt PP amplifier (Bella Extreme 100, V-Cap version). Speakers are  94 dB sensitivity and 14 ohm nominal load Coincident Total Eclipse II.

This speaker was really good with the 100 watt amplifier. On the very first listen straight out of the shipping box I realized that the 8 watt Frankenstein was superior sounding. No 2nd guessing required, better tonality, timbre, nuance, music ebb and flow. Most immediately apparent was more emotional involvement and communication. Realism was at a different level, just plain more.

The 100 watt PP has superior bass weight and impact, that’s it (and the SET bass is quite good). I went from a "very " good amplifier to sublime as presented by the Frankenstein. It’s more open, transparent and better at resolving the micro details and subtleties. It’s even more 3 dimensional than the very good PP which had bettered the Symphonic Line amplifier in this area.

No other audio anything has provided as much impact in my home. It is the heart and soul of my system. Needless to say YMMV.

Thanks for the rig detail.


Been to your website, but didn't realize it was you.
