What makes you build a system around an amplifier?

Serious question. I almost always care about the room and speakers first, then build around that. However, this is not the only way to do things.

If you have ever insisted on keeping your amplifier, but were willing to change everything else around it, please let us know why. What made an amp so outstanding in your mind that it was worth making it your center piece. Imaging? slam?

Be specific about the amp and speakers or other gear that you shuffled through.


A relatively low powered single ended amp, if it sounds great, will force you to drop whatever your doing, sell all of your unnecessary belongings, and spend all of your time searching for the best sounding high efficiency speakers…this results in a great sounding system, albeit with a ruined life. Worth it.
+1, @wolf_garcia 

That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard ARC VT-80 amp. Six months later, my rest of the system is now ‘tuned’ to extract every last bit of its goodness. The amp’s tonal purity, full bodied mid base, dimension and texture, all of which manages to relax me after a long day at work. 
So @wolf_garcia  and @jaybe  :

Can you be a little more specific? :) What SET do you put in this category? Jaybe, which Pass amp?