panny 60u vs. 600u

The sales people all say that the difference between these 2 sets is not just in features, but that it has a "better video processor." I haven't been able to see them side by side with the same content, so I can't really tell. I will be hooking up sound through the stereo system, and using an external decoder from Dish Network, so I don't think I need any of the other features. Is the picture really better on the 600? It's quite a bit more $. Thanks. -Dave
I thought the 600 had larger speakers and thus stuck out farther from the wall, a negative for me.

I have not seen the 600U, but I am unimpressed with the jagged razoring along image edges that I saw on the 60U during fast motion sequences. A BB/Magnolia salesman told me that the 600U has a better video processor and that the 60U actually was a step backward from the 50U in terms of video processing.
Jaggies are often due to a DVD player moreso than a display. No diea what the source was in your viewing however.
Dbw1 - I am fairly certain that these displays have the EXACT same video processing.

The one addition to Kenny's list of the "differences" is: cosmetics.

I think the 600U looks a LOT nicer with the black border instead of all grey - but that's just me. I spent the extra dough for the VGA computer port and the improved styling (to my taste of course)

Dgarretson - I wouldn't take anything someone who works at BB says seriously. Even Tweeter generalyl has a lot more knowledgable salespeople, but a more specialized shop is ideal. Regarding the whatever problem with the display you noticed at BB - rest assured that it is some combination of improper setup (settings) + poor source hardware/software.

The image processing in both the 60U and 600U is actually pretty decent... but add a DVDO scaler for improved SD deinterlacing if SD quality is important to you.