I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.
Excellent post Nonoise. I am not sure I grasp the implication specifically re: the thread topic, but I completely get what it says about the world that has been created by the internet.
Audiotroy, even though I’m new here, I’ve belonged to many forums in the last 25 years. I’m not confused what ’hijacking’ is. Nor salesmanship. As I said, if you have something to add, I don’t think anyone would complain, if you did it in a different manner. I think you’re doing yourself a dis-service here. That’s all. Take care, L.
@dlcockrum , I was kind of riffing off what @teo_audio was saying. I think that once societal standards are lowered, boundaries that used to be respected, aren't.
I remember when if anyone volunteered that they had something to sell on a thread, all the participants would chime in and ask them not to do it. That's what the 'for sale' section was there for. There was a self policing aspect here that didn't require the mods to step in unless someone got really out of hand. God, I'm starting to sound old.
Alright. It is very plain and simple. All the dealers and manufacturers, please do us a favour and leave this forum once and for all. Just because you have a formal right to be here doesn't mean that you should. Stop irritating us and humiliating yourselves. This is a not a place to do business.
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