Sonos or Mac as Source?

Dug around a bit but couldn't really find a definitive answer so here goes...

Gear: Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated (non-X1 version) with sources consisting of Sonos ZP80, Mac Mini and Lexicon RT-10 player, driving Vandersteen 2C speakers.

Almost all of my listening is playing AIFF files through my Sonos, originating from a 15TB server on my network. I also do a fair amount of listening of Pandora and SiriusXM though the Sonos as well. So far, I've been running the Sonos into the GI via coax digital and I've dabbled very little in the Mac, running it via USB with Audirvana.

In wanting to improve further on the sound, I have a few options, but don't want to invest in all of them to find out which is best! So anyone with experience in a similar situation would provide some great assistance to me if they could comment.

1. Upgrade the GI to an X1 version and use the Mac Mini with Audirvana. COST = $250
2. Buy the standalone X1 USB-Coax/Optical converter from Peachtree and still use the Mac as a source. COST = $150
3. Buy the Wyred 4 Sound Remedy reclocker and install between the GI and the Sonos ZP90, using the Sonos as the source. Cost = $400

The simplicity and stability of the Sonos system/interface is very appealing. However, if the Remedy reclocker with Sonos doesn't approach the quality of sound obtained by using a Mac Mini as the source, I'd be willing to forgo a little convenience that the Sonos affords. Additionally, staying with Sonos as a source affords me the ability to improve Pandora, Sirius, etc as well...assuming the Remedy would yield and sonic benefits on those source programs like it would on AIFF files.

Going in circles right now with what's the right next step, so any help is sincerely appreciated.
I wish there would have been responses to this. I am in almost the same place you are, trying to talk myself out of a Mac Mini. I was going with the Mini to free up my Macbook. Three audio store down sold me from other options to Sonos. Go figure.
I still think you can be more flexible with the Mini, including the capability of higher rez music. I'm also a W4S fan, and considered their upgrade of the Sonos. I'm basically paralyzed by in decision.
I can't believe there is not some reasonably priced option to play CD's from a drive and stream Pandora (and others) at up to 24/192.
I used both Mac with Amarra, Asyn DAC and Sonos with ZDAC. Also CD and Turntable as source. I enjoy listening of all their different and they all sound vey appealing to me.
I listen to Sonos and find my favorite music before buying or downloading.
Geh7 - that's too funny. I'm at the same place. Trying to understand streamers and NAS as a way to free up my Macbook (which runs USB to Asynch/SPDIF converter to DAC). I'm thinking I'll just get a Mac Mini and dedicate it for music. I can run ALAC files of ripped CDs that are on an external hard drive (use BitPerfect & iTunes for playback); stream Spotify, Pandora or internet radio and run an HDMI out to an LCD as monitor.
I think I'm going to do the same.
I have never had so much trouble getting rid of money. I think I will consider upgrading my W4S Dac DSD to the Se version. That should have the Mini sounding pretty good. All this assumes that controlling the Mini with an Apple product remotely will work well, but I think that is a given.
Good luck with your system, Geh7. I'm thinking a wireless keyboard and mouse or trackpad will be my "remote control". Need to find out how far from the mini they can be and still work.