USB cable opinions

I’m considering the following USB cables to be used in a high end digital setup. Antipodes server to Bricasti dac. USB cables new to me. Current candidates:
AQ Diamond
Audience AU 24SE+
Purist Ultimate 

Any real world opinions would be appreciated. 

+1 Audience.  I switched from the Wireworld Platinum USB cable to the Audience AU24 SE USB Dual End cable and it sounded much better.  I immediately heard better bass, clarity, less noise and better separation. 

Th Audience USB duel end cable is excellent and I recommend it.  If possible, you should audition some of these cables so you can best decide.  
My "real-world" experience led me to preferring a Verastarr Nemesis USB cable for my MacBook Pro to ExaSound E32 DAC link. 

In my system, it beat out the Curious, AQ Diamond, Synergistic Research Active, and yes, the Audience AU24SE USB cables.  The Audience was very close, but I slightly preferred the Verastarr for it's slightly better organic and natural sound.
I'm using Audioquest Carbon to a Bricasti DAC. Very pleased with the results