Is it worth adding a Schiit Audio Eitr?

I've got an Aurender N100H running to a Schiit Audio Gumby (Gen 2 USB, not the Gen 5) via a Curious Cable and the ISO REGEN powered by the Ultracap LPS-1.  I truly enjoy the soundstage provided by this setup, but I still have a bit more noise than I had when I was using a digital input via digital coax.  Would the Schiit Eitr help to lower the noise floor further.  Does it make sense to add it to the signal path?
I can't recommend the Eitr highly enough.  I moved from  Curious/W4S Recovery USB decrappification setup - adding the Eitr changed everything for me, and most others who've bought one.  My bet is you'd be letting your Regen go pretty quickly.
You would be better off putting in the USB Gen 5 upgrade board to determine if you need the ISO Regen etc.
I agree. So sick of all these decrapifier boxes the last 2 years and cost I'm going to add the board to the Yiigdrasil.
+1 on avoiding gizmos. The N100H may not need them and can be better without as it was with my N100H/Exogal Comet Plus combo. The ISO Regen/LPS actually degraded the sound quality.

Replaced a MF V-Link 192 USB/SPDIF converter with Schiit Eitr. It's installed between an Aires Mini and non-USB Gungnir w/MB upgrade. I didn’t have a noise issue with the V-Link so no change there but the Eitr did improve SQ slightly. When I went back to try the V-Link, I noticed a reduction in image precision and stage depth; the music presentation flattened somewhat. For $179, the Eitr was worth it to me. Of course, it necessitates a digital coax cable from Eitr to Gungnir that the Gen 5 upgrade direct to your DAC would eliminate.