Proac D48R

Proac owners, I need advice for a integrated amp for the Proac D48Rs. I listen mostly to classic rock an jazz. My budget is 5k new or used market.
Thank You @carmenc . Yes, I will post my impressions once I spend sometime with them. Yes, spent almost 2 years searching for speakers to replace my current ones. The Quads are really that good. But it was between family, overseas trips, work, etc, that I had to find time and audition the speakers.

Congrats on your purchase. I am sure you will be very happy with your decision. A great sounding pair of speakers.
Thank You. Your's was one of the system that inspired me to start looking at the ProAc.
I recommend you to change the stock metal jumpers for better quality ones as soon as the speakers arrive to you because they do degrade the sound severely also Proac speakers are known for their very long burn-in period allow about 500 hours before fully break in( it is also mention at their user manual). 
You made the right choice please keep us update for first impression. 
Congrats Milpai, got to hear the D-48R's briefly and was very impressed.
Agree with itzhak1969, replacing the stock jumpers is a must and yes the Proac's do take a while to break in. At about 100 hours you'll get a better idea of what they sound like. Please keep us updated.