Need Recommendations on a CD Player

About 10 years ago I purchased a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player. Unfortunately, it has developed a problem of emitting static through the 2-channel speakers on startup. The good news is that by cycling the power off & on, the static disappears & all is well. However, I am skeptical that the cost of repair might not make sense considering the price of a new unit.

That being said, I would appreciate some recommendations on a quality single-disc player. The thing that I have been questioning is whether I really need to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,200 (U.S.) as I did for the Cambridge Audio player. I have a very good audio system, so I don't want the CD player to be unable to jeopardize the sound quality of everything "downstream". I guess that I am trying to find a balance between cost & quality.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations or considerations. It's much appreciated.

Send it in for repair estimate.  Most diagnose for anywhere from $50.00 to $75.00 and then weigh out the cost of repairs against buying something else.

How about a good (UHD) Bluray player? Connect your TV to your stereo as well, and you can see the opera you are listening to, and will have great TV sound in the bargain.
Thank you for the responses. Diagnostic cost to the company's repair facility is $65 + shipping. That is my game plan at this time. However, if repair cost is prohibitive, I wanted to have a back-up plan.