Looking for a good DAC under $500

I would like to set up a DAC with my Bluesound node 2.  Anyone has what they consider a "Best Buy"?

I appreciate your time,

I have the BS Node 2. I dougt you’ll find anything better than the built in dac for the $$$ you want to spend. Maybe the $799 Oppo Sonica
I agree that at the $500 stated budget the internal BSN2 DAC is likely to be as good. Now, use of an older used DAC having a more robust power supply and better analog output stage, such as the aforementioned Bryston BDA-1 which could be had for $750, would likely make for an improvement. 
I looked but had trouble finding a LPS for the Cambridge DacMagic Plus. Does anyone know where to obtain one and what the $$ is?

Can you describe what a good LPS does for the sound?
