Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?

I am presently using a McCormack DNA 0.5 REV "B" to drive
the speakers which is very clear but I was wondering what
else is out there that would be better in terms of bass. I'm using a Krell CD player which is known for bass and
is connected directly to the amp. Any suggestions? Thanx.
Bryston 7B-ST at about $2600 used. Friend of mine uses it with his MG 1.6 with great success. Clean, rhythmic and articulated bass with tautness.
I'm using a Mark Levinson 335 with a Rel Strata III sub.
The 335 drives the 1.6's nicely.
Maggies require lots of power to satisfy their hunger. Two amps that I can recommend are the VTL MB250 triode monoblocks and the Spectron Musician II.

First off, the VTL's made for a great full-bodied sound that had good extension on both ends. The bass performance gave the system plenty of "dig". The only problem was that I would blow B+ fuses. The Spectron has 650 wpc of digital power and good extension at both ends. You just never seem to run out of volume with this one. It gives the system a musical-rightness that neither sounds like tubes or solid state. I continue to amaze people when I reach for the volume control to play up loud material that is appropriate. Who says Maggies can't rock when you have ZZ Top playing in front of you? Then the amp can transform the system into a great orchestra when you want it. "Where are you going today?"

I have owned 28 different amps over the years. The Spectron takes care of my bias. It was rewarding even more so when I moved into the 3.6's.

Do your thing, have fun, and try out all the recommendations you think might be your bag. What I say doesn't mean I am right but, you can't go wrong by an audition.
I use the McIntosh MA-6500. I'm very pleased with the sound and function. I previously had the Plinius and the Proceed which were nice too, however the McIntosh made the Maggies "SING".
Heard NAD C370, DNA225(?), CJ PV10+MF2300A and none could beat the ASL Hurricane. Not even close.