'Quietest place on Earth' anechoic chamber

Utterly fascinating, check this out. Negative decibels. 

" This room in south Minneapolis, is so quiet that it measures negative 13 decibels. So quiet that Guinness World Records called it “the quietest place on Earth.” So quiet that film crews, acoustics nerds and curious kids journey here just to sit inside it. " 
I don't think so but Edgar Allen Poe wrote that it was impossible to hear anyone in one. 


0 db is the human threshold of hearing. so that’s why you can have negative db as the negitive is sound that is below human hearing.

I argue the space center in Florida is the "quietest - Loudest" place on earth. just think ambient sound levels then 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1......ignition, boom loudest place ...

ok not from silent but that range from ambient to the rocket ignition must be huge.

Ok maybe death valley July 16th at around 05:29:45 1945 silence then BOOM well you know what ... ;-)

We're so used to being 'immersed' in sounds that the lack of is truly an alien experience....

Spouse and I were traveling and happened to stop for a night along a country road in mid North Dakota.  Two cars happened to drive by beforel nightfall, and then....nothing.  Windless...still...we could hear a dog barking at one point, seemed like a 1/2 mi. away...

I swear we could hear our own heartbeats, the minor sounds of metals and plastics of the vehicle and our possessions cooling off into the evening.  It actually was difficult to fall asleep, it was too damn quiet and we were the loudest things present.

An interesting experience.  Could I live there?  No. *L*  I'm too much of a distraction...even now.... ;)
I didn't go to that one, but I went to the one at Bell Labs. It was amazing and cool, but I didn't sense any of that craziness that the article talked about. Maybe it wasn't quiet enough?