Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?

As just another way to build a loudspeaker system why such disputes in forums when horns are mentioned?    They can solve many issues that plague standard designs but with all things have there own.  So why such hate?  As a loudspeaker designer I work with and can appreciate all transducer and loudspeaker types and I understand that we all have different needs budgets experiences tastes biases.  But if you dare suggest horns so many have a problem with that suggestion..why?
kosst reads about how things sound not listens. And adds so much unsupported BS like this gem [ Horns have problems that aren't cheap to fix] no list of problems no hands on experience with said problems. I say kosst why even comment on horns when your experience levels zero and your bias towards what you own is 100%? And why do you think a corner is a bad place in a room to house a speaker designed for it and about a meter or more out is somehow more room friendly? And since you have no hands on why should I value your other bold proclamation of no klipsch being high end. Come out from under the bridge. 
Kosst I’m referring mainly to the heritage line.  Have not heard the others enough to judge meaningfully.   

No current Klipsch offerings are "high end" but most of the Heritage sure can "pretend" to be "high end".

Now their now discontinued Palladium line was as close to "high end" as you can go.  The P-39F was one fine speaker.


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