Genalex GL GZ-34 Rectifier...Did I just get a bad one? Five months seems

like a terribly short lifespan. I bought it in May and spent the extra money to get a "good" tube. It sounded good while it lived. But it went in a fiery inferno last weekend.  Fortunately it only took out a fuse.

It was running in a Bob Latino VTA ST-70 Dynaco amp. It's a great amp but runs the rectifier a bit hard from my understanding. However the original tube lasted at least 3-4 yrs IIRC. I tried a SS rectifier. YUK!! I put the tube (a spare Sovtek) back in place I've had good luck with the KT-66 Genalex GL's and they have a good reputation (I think). Is this just the luck of the draw. IOW, even a new tube can have a short life span? Or is this odd? Is there any way to avoid it? I'd buy another Gennalex GL if it will last. But I can buy 2 Sovteks for the price of one GL. Sovtek sounds good too.

FWIW, The tube that failed was cryo treated. Could that make a difference in a rectifier tube? As always, Thanks for your help.

Yeah, Me too. But I can't imagine a NOS Mullard is going to  beat the Genalex by very much in sound quality. It is fabulous. This one isn't cryoed. Maybe it will last longer. But I'll probably try a Mullard NOS. Look at it this way Wolf. A professional said we needed it. My wife will still roll her eyes. She told me last night not to change anything because it sounds really good
Whenever I'm with your wife she says the same damn thing to me…so I get that. However, MY wife says things like, "When are you going to sell those extra speakers you don't want?," and "what do you need THAT for again?" I also doubt the Mullard will beat the Genalex by much, but at this point if I don't get one I'll feel like I've let Ralph down somehow, and that would be sad.
Like trelja I also like the sound of the JJ EZ34 tube.  I would find the specs for the amp and see if the voltage to that tube is correct.  Other than that I agree with atmasphere on the design having caused some of the issue.