Genalex GL GZ-34 Rectifier...Did I just get a bad one? Five months seems

like a terribly short lifespan. I bought it in May and spent the extra money to get a "good" tube. It sounded good while it lived. But it went in a fiery inferno last weekend.  Fortunately it only took out a fuse.

It was running in a Bob Latino VTA ST-70 Dynaco amp. It's a great amp but runs the rectifier a bit hard from my understanding. However the original tube lasted at least 3-4 yrs IIRC. I tried a SS rectifier. YUK!! I put the tube (a spare Sovtek) back in place I've had good luck with the KT-66 Genalex GL's and they have a good reputation (I think). Is this just the luck of the draw. IOW, even a new tube can have a short life span? Or is this odd? Is there any way to avoid it? I'd buy another Gennalex GL if it will last. But I can buy 2 Sovteks for the price of one GL. Sovtek sounds good too.

FWIW, The tube that failed was cryo treated. Could that make a difference in a rectifier tube? As always, Thanks for your help.
Whenever I'm with your wife she says the same damn thing to me…so I get that. However, MY wife says things like, "When are you going to sell those extra speakers you don't want?," and "what do you need THAT for again?" I also doubt the Mullard will beat the Genalex by much, but at this point if I don't get one I'll feel like I've let Ralph down somehow, and that would be sad.
Like trelja I also like the sound of the JJ EZ34 tube.  I would find the specs for the amp and see if the voltage to that tube is correct.  Other than that I agree with atmasphere on the design having caused some of the issue. 
OK…now I'm devoting my bitcoin windfall fortune to cornering the vintage rectifier market…ah…the power...
Hi , thanks for sharing . My Had Inspire came with the same tube . I’ve had zero issues with mine . I did have a new production GL KT-77 , with about 100 hours let go . I didn’t blow a fuse , I blew 2 caps and a resistor and the explosion broke a terminal strip too . IMO it’s not the sellers fault , just the field we play on ( bad luck ). I have NOS Tubes Too, RCA 5U4GB, Phillips 5AR4Y, Mullard GZ -37 coke bottle, Mullard GZ-32.  I’ve really come to like the RCA. In musician terminology “ I Get More Sag “. The lower plate voltage ( my amp is self bias ), gives me a richer, more mellow sound . But it lowers my output a little .  If you like the way your amp sounds now ( seeet amp BTW ). Get the NOS Mullard GZ-32, maybe $100. They usually last forever. I would consider setting your bias lower , but ask the expert that built it . Also the NOS Mullard GZ-37 ( coke bottle ) is more powerful . I bought one from Upscale Audio . Ask the experts , but I think the old Dynaco came with the Mullard fx32, you can’t do much better , and it’s money well spent . They are plentiful and are labeled RCA too. They have a small hole in the centering pin when you turn them over. Also a smoother sound then the GL. Happy Listening , Mike.