Advice for a Tube Amp, TT setup only

Hello-  I'm new to the forum and I'm interested in building a TT system with a fairly small budget.  I would appreciate any recommendations to consider for a tube amp to be paired with Spica TC60's which I already own.  I am also looking for a new TT that would fit well.....right now thinking along the lines of a $5 or $600 UTurn or Rega.  I currently own a Dual 1009 and a 1225, neither of which are working acceptably at the moment, and an AT LP-120 that has a Shure M97-XE on it.  I'd like to upgrade from that, TT wise.  Goal is a simple but hi-fi tube set up for vinyl.  $400 to $800 would be the range, the lower the better for the sake of marital longevity. 

Looked for dupe threads, but the ones I saw were for more than just vinyl set ups.

I do have a line on a local HHScott 399, but would need to be rebuilt (not been fired up in years)  and the guy wants $800 for it.  Not a good deal I'm thinking.

Thanks folks, humbly submitted.
I would look for a used Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated here and also a  used Rega Planar 3 turntable.
Either integrated or amp and preamp....not sure of pro’s and cons. I do not have a preamp now.

Thank you stereo5, the Rogue looks promising.
Get a used Jolida integrated (an all tube one), and an inexpensive Cambridge Audio phono preamp. Done.
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If you want to go the vintage tube route this looks pretty interesting:

As far as a TT goes I had a Rega Planar3 and personally didn't love it, many others of course do. I heard the little U-turn at a friends and was very pleasantly surprised, great little table for the money.  Though I will say @viridian is dead on a Thorens 203/Ortofon Blue combo for $699 is a steal!