Advice for a Tube Amp, TT setup only

Hello-  I'm new to the forum and I'm interested in building a TT system with a fairly small budget.  I would appreciate any recommendations to consider for a tube amp to be paired with Spica TC60's which I already own.  I am also looking for a new TT that would fit well.....right now thinking along the lines of a $5 or $600 UTurn or Rega.  I currently own a Dual 1009 and a 1225, neither of which are working acceptably at the moment, and an AT LP-120 that has a Shure M97-XE on it.  I'd like to upgrade from that, TT wise.  Goal is a simple but hi-fi tube set up for vinyl.  $400 to $800 would be the range, the lower the better for the sake of marital longevity. 

Looked for dupe threads, but the ones I saw were for more than just vinyl set ups.

I do have a line on a local HHScott 399, but would need to be rebuilt (not been fired up in years)  and the guy wants $800 for it.  Not a good deal I'm thinking.

Thanks folks, humbly submitted.
Get a used Jolida integrated (an all tube one), and an inexpensive Cambridge Audio phono preamp. Done.
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If you want to go the vintage tube route this looks pretty interesting:

As far as a TT goes I had a Rega Planar3 and personally didn't love it, many others of course do. I heard the little U-turn at a friends and was very pleasantly surprised, great little table for the money.  Though I will say @viridian is dead on a Thorens 203/Ortofon Blue combo for $699 is a steal!
Though I will say @viridian is dead on a Thorens 203/Ortofon Blue combo for $699 is a steal!
Can't thank viridian enough.  An Ortofon Blue looks to be well over $200 by itself.  The Thorens 203 is ordered!!
Researching the Amp suggestions now, thanks so much guys!!

As far as budget goes, spend as much as you can from the start. When you decide to upgrade, you will lose money on the gear you compromised on.