Whats in your second system?

Just curious as to the people who like myself have many thousands "invested" in their main system with all the latest tweaks, cables etc and also have a second or even third system.

Did you assemble that with the same love and care and dedication and costly tweaks?

Or did you throw something together from bargain bins or indeed your old leftovers and then sat back and thought...Wow this sounds really good!

And if so did that get you thinking on the main system...lol.

My second system cost way less than the speaker cables on my main system but I am constantly shocked at just how nice it sounds for such a no frills setup.

Linn Classic all in one
Tannoy 2 ellipse small floorstanders
20 year old (at least) Jensen 50w 8 inch sub.
Monster Cable 12/2 speaker cable bare wire ends.
Home brewed power cord just cos I had it laying around.

The Linn just sits on top of a chest of drawers with the Tannoys flanking the chest either side and the lil sub sitting behind the chest.

And it sounds darn good tbh!
Yes to the love and care. No to the costs. :) 

My second system is my PC/bedroom system. Consists of a Logitech Squeezebox Touch, NAD D 3020 integrated and my own custom speakers. 

Also added a 5 GHz extender/converter because normal Wifi in this apartment is terrible, and the Touch does not do 5 GHz. In a very serious way, this involved a lot of hacking and tweaking to make it work right. 

My desktop speakers:



Post removed 
When I have a component that I really like and can't bear to sell it I pass it on to my second system. I've also added a few new components to my second system over the years.

Second System
Allnic T-1500 300B Integrated Amp
Conrad Johnson Classic SE Preamp
Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty SE Amp
Class D Audio SDS-470C Amp
Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 Transport
Yamamoto Dac
Montana EPX Speakers
Townsend Super Tweeters
Magnum Dynalab MD-106T Analog FM Tuner
some really nice sounding second systems here that a lot of people would be proud to call their main system.
I really like the idea of hanging onto older well loved equipment and using to piece together another system.

Unfortunately most times I have upgraded the only way I have been able to afford to upgrade was to sell off the older pieces to make funds available to offset the costs.

This is a regret in some areas for sure as I know there are speakers and amps I really really should have liked to have kept!
My second system consist of a Yamamoto HA-03 headphone amp a pair of Audeze LCD 2 headphones W/ Cable Pro cables, PS Audio power wedge, Silnote Reference power cords, Audioquest Colorado interconnects and for source a redbook only Theta dac, Acoustic Zen MC2 digital cable and Cabridge CDX transport. This system is very revealing and satisfying, only bad thing is you lose track of time.