Do classical CDs made from early analog tapes sound better on your system than new CDs?

I find that classical CDs produced from analog recordings originally made in the late 50’s and early 60’s really make my system sing, and, by far, give me the best sound staging over most modern recordings.  This is especially true in those produced in the pre-Dolby era.  The overtones are just there in abundance and the space is endless and real.
 I’m wondering if others have that experience.
... in my case Brahms 4 is my absolute favorite followed closely by 1 and Schubert 9
All are great works, of course, and literally in the case of Schubert’s 9th :-)

(For those reading this who may not be particularly knowledgeable about classical music, Schubert’s 9th symphony is known as "The Great." That name originated as a means of distinguishing the 9th from another Schubert symphony which is in the same key (C Major), but befits the grand character of the music as well).

Best regards,
-- Al

Is there on A'gon a "Classical Aficionados" thread as Orpheus started for jazz?  
Unfortunately I don't think such a thread exists here, Ghosthouse.  The thread entitled "What's On Your Turntable Tonight" has had some good discussions and recommendations of classical recordings at times over the years, although less frequently of late.  There are also a few older threads discussing which classical record labels tend to be the best sounding.  And of course a perusal of the "Music" sub-forum will turn up occasional mentions and discussions of classical recordings in various other threads.

Best regards,
-- Al
Maybe one of you could start it?
(dontcha just love people with "big ideas" that make work for others? :-)

I note Jazz Aficionados clearly benefits from Orpheus’ "moderating", so time and attention (not to mention subject matter expertise!) are helpful for keeping things on track.