Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions

I recently purchased a demo pair of Vandersteen Treo (non CT), and am wondering what people recommend for bi-wired speaker cables? The Treos will be paired with a Hegel H-160 solid state integrated amp.

The dealer I am purchasing from has recommended Cardas Parsec speaker cables. Does anyone have experience with these? Would be very interested to hear what has worked for others. I'm excited to spend some time over the holidays with these awesome speakers!

(If helpful, my system includes a Rega Planar 3 w/ Dynavector 10x5 and LFD Phonostage LE with LFD interconnects.)


I’d suggest trying Goertz Alpha-Core MI 2’s w/RC networks (zobels). Alpha-Core offers a generous money back trial. Reasonably priced and work well with Vandy’s.
Cardas makes fantastic products that typically pair well with Vandersteen.
LFD fairly rare here in the USA but you might try it as you have some of it now.
i have a set of LFD biwire in 12’ that i used for a time between an Ayre VX-R Twenty and Vandersteen 7 mk2, pretty fine wires for not a lot of juice, loan em to you if desired...
Audioquest voices well with Vandersteen products it is no secret that Richard use AQ for his filter pigtails and AQ sourced silver speaker wire with the M7 amplifiers. He and Bill Low at AQ share the DBS patent.

Johnny Rutan, and Mr. V. are AQ fans.
I run my Treo's with AQ Rockefeller, but I had Johnny make a set of GO-4 which I will install once I get my kooky system together (long story).
The Rockefellers replaced a set of Transparent-one of my most expensive mistakes.
Thank you all for the input!

Does anyone else have experience with the Audioquest GO-4? I made a point to speak with Johnny Rutan, as he reps both Hegel and Vandersteen, and he recommended the same.

The consensus online seems to be that Cardas is "warm" which might not be what I'm looking for. However, I have no experience with Audioquest, so I welcome any further thoughts/feedback. Thanks.
I use double run AQ GO4 on my Treo CT, they sound wonderful. I think they sound as good as bi-wire AQ Castlerock cables. Pretty much the same material but two wires instead of one. Can’t go wrong with JohnnyR’s recommendation, he knows good sounding music and will get you the best sound in your price range. I keep hearing good things about clear day cables with Vandersteens. My suggestion is go with the GO4, save some money and maybe start thinking about a different amp with better synergies to go with your Vandies. Good luck!