What exactly do you mean by "a real preamp without ICs in the path"? My preamp is quite real, and if you go separates vs integrated, you will always have ICs ( interconnects?) In the path. Or am I getting something wrong?
Also, what’s wrong with Conrad Johnson?
I have no spikes/cones whatsoever, so no. Need to buy them.
And I haven’t done the in-room compensation thing yet.
What exactly do you mean by "a real preamp without ICs in the path"? My preamp is quite real, and if you go separates vs integrated, you will always have ICs ( interconnects?) In the path. Or am I getting something wrong?
Also, what’s wrong with Conrad Johnson?
I have no spikes/cones whatsoever, so no. Need to buy them.
And I haven’t done the in-room compensation thing yet.