No love for Verity?

Reading through the myriad "recommend a speaker" threads, the list of the "usual suspects" often seems to be headed by Vandersteen and Magnepan, together with a bunch of others (Harbeth, Wilson, etc., etc.).  But I can't remember the last time when in one of these threads I read of someone recommending Verity.  What gives?  Are all the satisfied Verity owners over on one of the other forums?
I've been curious about Verity for a while. I have AZ Adagios now which are just fine, but I was wondering how the Finn might sound.
Verity Audio speakers command a premium price even on the secondary market. I have always wanted to demo this brand. As above, the owners are too busy enjoying the music.
Happy Listening!
I have never heard one and guessing they are rather hard to find and audition. That being said the reviews look great and I would love to hear a pair of their speakers some day.
I've been able to have good listening sessions to several verity speakers, including the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation.

Verity is one of those speakers that are pleasant, very competent, musical, and I get why they have their fans...yet I'm unmoved by the sound.  It's  clear and can be rich as well, but a bit timbrally bland to my ears.

I do love the general concept and aesthetics though, that they produce really high end speakers, nice looking, at a domestically acceptable modest size.